搜索 乔伊

  • 人类持续破坏环境,是时候动物们该站出来捍卫生存权益……   看似平凡的亚当,和雪丽(母亲)、大脚怪(父亲)以及他们的朋友伟波(大灰熊)、蒂娜(松鼠)、崔波(浣熊)一家人,这个非凡的大家庭一起在森林里定居。没想到随着大脚怪父亲越来越有名,父亲也利用名气尝试改变世界。某天动保团 体与父亲联系,打算一起阻止石油公司开发并污染动物的生存环境,没想到父亲在一次追查真相的过程中竟然莫名失踪了!亚当和他的动物家人们,决定联手找出大脚怪父亲的下落,同时透过社群媒体试图揭发石油公司的邪恶阴谋,他们一家人还有机会再次团聚吗?
  • California, Mojave Desert, 1998. A strange glow appears in the sky. Sam, a forty-something door-to-door salesman, travels through the few inhabited zones of the Californian desert in search of clients, yet everything seems deserted. What's more, his wife won't answer his calls. It's as if everyone were avoiding him. When his car breaks down, Sam becomes a prisoner of the empty, hostile environment. Alone and without human contact for days on end, he listens continuously to a talk-show on the only local radio station. The host, a man named Eddy, takes calls from listeners who share their thoughts on a child killer at large in the area. At the same time, Sam starts getting psychologically harassed by strange threats he receives on his pager. Gradually, people begin to reappear and attempt to kill him. Sam has become a target and he must now defend himself. Little by little he loses it, caught up in a paranoid identity crisis. Is he truly the killer they're after, or is he being driven ...
  • 恶战结束,两名铁血战士带着死去同伴的尸体向家乡返航。令他们想不到的是,死去同伴的身体竟成为异形幼卵的栖息地,成熟的异形破胸而出,并且兼具异形和铁血战士的强大威力,成为了连铁血战士也难以撼动的终极异形。一场残酷的杀戮随即在飞船上进行,最终导致飞船坠毁在科罗拉多州的群山之中。   幸存的异形逃出飞船,并开始恐怖的繁殖,而附近的康尼森小镇的居民也不可避免地成为异形狩猎和寄生的对象,原本宁静祥和的小镇变成了恐怖的人间地狱。与此同时,一个留在地球的铁血战士获知了同伴死前发出的信息,他决定与这群宿命的恶魔敌人奋战到底……
  • 超级流行歌星Fancy G举办了一场寻找下一位大型独唱艺人的比赛。三名年轻的女孩秘密组成乐队"甜心女孩",戴上了面具,结果却意外走红。但为了避免因违反比赛规则被淘汰出局,三名女孩必须作出选择——保密“甜心女孩”的身份各自争取出道,或是坚持不离不弃,友谊至上。
  • 斯坦利在快餐店工作的最后一班,当他与一位年轻的非裔美国员工成为朋友时,发生了意想不到的转变。