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  • 乔安吉巴托在当红之际人间蒸发,三十年来,喃语迷蒙的嗓音仍在里约街头传唱,却再也无人见过他的踪迹。德国作家来到巴西探寻大师身影未曾成功,他将过程细写成书,却在作品出版前自缢身亡。同样身为乐迷的导演乔治盖修照著书中的蛛丝马迹按图索骥,找出大师御用理发师、厨师、昔日搭档甚至妻女,盼能见到仍茧居在城市中的大师,但总也缘铿一面。不甘命运老是错身而过,导演立誓找到大师,完成作家遗愿:请他亲唱一首Bossa Nova名曲〈喔巴啦啦〉(Hoba-là-là)!
  • Set against the turbulent backdrop of Forties London, The Night Watch tells the stories of four young Londoners inextricably linked by their wartime experiences. In a time when the barriers of sexual morality and social convention have been broken down, Kay (Anna Maxwell Martin), Helen (Claire Foy), Viv (Jodie Whittaker) and Duncan (Harry Treadaway) enjoy a freedom never experienced before as they engage in secret liaisons and passionate trysts. The drama opens in 1947 as the country is trying to rebuild itself after the war; we find Kay mysteriously roaming the streets, haunted by some traumatic personal loss. Meanwhile, Helen and Viv run a marriage bureau, helping people rebuild their shattered lives by finding love. But their own complicated love lives are less easy to solve. Helen obsessively clings to her tumultuous and volatile relationship with Julia while Viv is continuing an affair with a married man whom she seems unable to break free from. Viv's vulnerable young brother Duncan harbours a terrible secret, when a face from his past re-appears which threatens his fragile existence. Moving back in time through the Forties into the maelstrom of the Blitz, the lives, loves and
  • 德鲁伊教兴盛时期,在高卢国遥远而美丽的森林里,牧羊人瑟拉多(安迪·吉雷饰)和牧羊女阿斯特蕾(西塞丽·卡塞儿饰)坠入了爱河之中。然而,由于阿斯特蕾听信他人,误以为瑟拉多对自己不忠,就决定与他分手并再也不愿见到他。伤心欲绝的瑟拉多,企图投河自尽了断一生。于是人们都以为他死了,但实际上他却被仙女秘密地救了起来。既然此前他也立下誓言不再与阿斯特蕾相见,瑟拉多必须经历多重考验来打破这个诅咒。对爱的疯狂和...
  • 多年来,各式各样的人都在不断的获得职位晋升,而安吉拉·沃克作为一名出色的职员,却始终无法晋升。她作为一名黑人女性职员,对这样的结果深感不公。在精心的策划下,安吉拉决定打破局面,亲手改变自己的命运。
  • 燃烧的黑水河已经冷却,君临城一边庆祝胜利,一边启动重建工作。但是铁王座之争再起风云——这一次,竞争者来自最意想不到的地方。无论是老面孔还是新角色,他们都将面对家庭、荣誉、野心、爱情以及最重要的生存挑战。维斯特洛大陆的内战仍将持续,秋日已然来临。