搜索 何热·卡尔

  • 本作是一部由亚历山德拉·阿斯提耶尔执导的动画电影,故事讲述的是凯撒为了淡化阿斯特里克斯村庄的团结,削弱当地村民的习俗,派遣自己的工程师在高卢附近建立一个度假村。阿斯特里克斯村庄的村民得知了凯撒的计划后,开始千方百计的破坏这项工程,阻止度假村的建立。首先是用神奇的森林补植种子,这个可以瞬间长成大树的种子让罗马士兵每天的工作只能是砍树、运木材,使得罗马士兵苦不堪言。然后村民们在罗马人搬入新家后通过各种手段吓跑他们,最后村民又痛殴了整个罗马兵团。
  • The story opens in a Western saloon, where a young musician with a banjo begins to tell a tale of Lucky Luke and his sworn enemies the Dalton brothers: Joe, William, Jack and Averell. Luke has, once again, as he has done many times before, thrown the four outlaws into jail. The prison is also the abode of a guard dog named Rin Tin Can (Rantanplan in the original French language version). No sooner have the Daltons entered the jail than they are met by a lawyer named Augustus Betting. Betting informs the brothers that their Uncle Henry Dalton has died by hanging. However, over the course of his criminal career, Henry Dalton amassed quite a fortune, and has chosen to leave it all to his nephews on the condition that they kill the judge and jury who sentenced him to death. To make sure that the task is completed, Henry Dalton states in his will that his nephews must be accompanied by the only honest man that he has ever known, Lucky Luke. If the task is not successfully completed, the entire fortune will instead be given to charity. The brothers then decide to tunnel out of the jail, but end up digging into the dynamite storage building. When Averell lights a match, the building blows
  • 埃及女王克利奥帕特拉和凯撒大帝打赌,将在3个月内建造一座宏伟的宫殿。克利奥帕特拉把这项任务交给了建筑师爱狄费斯,并下令如果在规定时间内没能完成任务,他将被投进鳄鱼池。 在这么短的时间内建造一座宫殿根本就是不可能完成的任务,但有一个人可以帮助爱狄费斯,那就是魔法师凯塔福克斯。于是爱狄费斯来到高卢的村庄,请求魔法师的帮助。凯塔福克斯欣然前往,同他一起来的还有
  • 故事发生在里昂,玛丽(阿诺克·格林布戈 饰)是一个妓女,和其她由于生活所迫而从事这份尴尬的职业的女人们不同,玛丽是打心底里热爱自己的工作的,无论她的客人是何等的丑陋和年迈,她都能以十二分的用心和温柔将他们服侍的心满意足。一次偶然中,玛丽在自己的家门口结识了昏睡在那里的流浪汉弗朗西斯(奥利维·马丁内兹 饰),善良的玛丽不仅将弗朗西斯带进了家门,更用美味的食物和自己的身体温暖了这个可怜人冰冷的心灵。   玛丽和弗朗西斯恋爱了,她甘愿用自己的身体换取金钱,来满足无所事事的弗朗西斯提出的种种要求。好景不长,弗朗西斯个性中的缺点逐渐显露,他不仅对玛丽热爱的职业表现出了反感,更和一个美甲女郎产生了暧昧的关系。很快,弗兰西斯便因为触犯了法律而锒铛入狱,与此同时,玛丽也站在了人生的十字路口之前。
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