- 从地球诞生之初,一种奇怪的生物便出现在这颗蓝色的星球上。他们不断进化、蜕变,终于成为我们所熟悉的小黄人的模样。小黄人们毕生寻找邪恶的老大,以成为他的部属为荣,但是千百万年来的努力最终化成一场空。经历了一段长久的沉寂,名叫凯文的小黄人决定再度上路,他带着热爱音乐的斯图尔特、成事不足败事有余的鲍勃,漂洋过海来到了1968年的美国。三个小家伙偶然听说奥兰多即将召开“恶人大会”,于是忙不迭地赶了过去,并且阴差阳错成为女魔头斯嘉丽·杀人狂(桑德拉·布洛克 Sandra Bullock 配音)的随从。很快斯嘉丽交给他们一个任务,那就是窃取英国女王的王冠。 不知轻重的小家伙们笑嘻嘻地出征,等待他们的将是前所未有的大冒险……
- A young urban family spends summers on an idyllic island. When an abandoned, mangy mutt wanders onto the property, the dad alerts Animal Control - but the children beg to keep the dog. A compromise is reached: the kids can nurse FRANK back to health, but must put him up for adoption when summer is over. As he regains his strength, Frank risks his life to bring the family together in ways no one imagined...