搜索 詹姆斯·麦卡弗

  • Instead of chasing boys on the beach with her friends, recent college grad Dora finds herself caring for her reclusive Great Aunt in snowy upstate New York. When the imaginative girl discovers her aunt's hidden romantic past, Dora dreams that their revelation will pull Aunt Vera and herself from their mutual depressions.
  • 艾米丽的妈妈死在满是血泊的浴缸里,小女孩深受打击,陷入了孤僻。为了让女儿尽快走出阴霾,大卫带着女儿搬到了乡村。在这里,艾米丽结识了她的新朋友——查理,他们一直在玩捉迷藏。可是除了艾米丽谁也不知道查理是谁,他似乎活在女儿的假象中,又似乎就游走在他们周围。 恐怖事件接二连三的发生,艾米丽变得愈加神情恍惚,大卫渐渐意识到问题的严重性。他开始潜心记录女儿的言
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