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  • 讲述在天下三分、烽火四起、英雄辈出的时代,两个不被乱世聚焦的“小人物”——陈恭与荀诩,在惊心动魄的谍战中爆发出夺目光辉,于历史之外谱写出一段英雄传奇。
  • 沪都大学330宿舍的四位性格迥异的兄弟,在毕业之际各自遭遇了情感、学业、工作上的挫折。聪明贪玩、厚脸皮的大男孩林向宇(陈晓 饰)与女上司姐弟恋,引得周遭非议;聪明贪玩、自在逍遥的富二代李大鹏(杜天皓 饰)无所事事,拉着心爱的羊驼到处配种;硕果仅存的处男管超(刘芮麟 饰)遇到心爱的女生,却遭遇人生重大分歧;出身贫苦、仗义痴情的奋斗青年谢训(李现 饰),能否结束现实的贫穷?一方有难兄弟支援,他们为彼此两肋插刀,然而却出现了不可调和的内部矛盾……在这个过程中,四位热血兄弟成长着,改变着……
  • Regular Eastern cinematic bad guy, Philip Ko stars in this typically baffling IFD affair as a hit-man who's brother happens to be a cop (yep, complications are very much on the cards here!) Of course, this being an IFD flick with Ko in it, one thing is immediately guaranteed; a rough sex scene(!) Just what the hell is it with Ko and such sequences in these flicks? As it happens we're not exactly given much chance to ponder such questions, as the ostensibly contractually requisite scene transpires within the very first minute of the films running time!!!! The rest of the film is a decidedly confusing mess (as we've come to expect from Joseph Lai's infamous production company) involving Ko hired to take out three targets including fellow regular bad guy John Ladalski (who it is revealed, has a somewhat sinisterly themed predilection for performing body painting and photography upon hapless damsels!) Whilst this plot is simple enough, matters become a more thoroughly head scratching affair when another tale of drug dealing and murder kicks into action involving two crime syndicates (or at least that's what I made of it anyway). Still, to be fair, do any of these films make even a jot
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