搜索 Ge

  • 《奔跑吧 第四季》是一档户外竞技真人秀,沙溢、蔡徐坤、郭麒麟作为新成员加盟“兄弟团”固定阵容,李晨、Angelababy、郑恺、黄旭熙、宋雨琦回归。
  • 《吐槽大会 第5季》以“幽默、犀利、多元、真实”作为节目底层调性,凸显“直面吐槽、释放真我”的价值主张。网罗更多圈层21位热点话题名人明星,用最真实犀利的段子,利用多维度的嘉宾搭配,进行多方面的观点呈现,由原始1+6模式迭代为嘉宾分队battle。改变单一主咖吐槽模式,引入战队概念,开启最新一季的吐槽。
  • After Wu Xin left, Xiao Se and Lei Wu Jie arrived in Xueyue City. Third Lord Sikong Chang Feng recognized Xiao Se and insisted on taking him in as his disciple. Lei Wu Jie challenged the Dengtian Chamber and requested to see Second Lord, the Xueyue Sword Deity Li Han Yi. He wanted Li Han Yi to go to the Lei Faction and visit his master, Lei Hong. The two of them made a deal. If Lei Wu Jie could survive three sword moves from Li Han Yi, Li would go with him. Several months later, Lei Wu Jie became highly skilled in martial arts and successfully endured Li Han Yi’s three sword moves. Li Han Yi kept her promise and left the mountain. As Xiao Se entered Xueyue City, the other princes of Tianqi became restless as well. They started to search for allies one after another. A scheme against Xueyue City is currently brewing.
  • 音乐喜剧《马达加斯加:小小冒险》是热门动画电影《马达加斯加》的前传,描述狮子艾里克斯、斑马马蒂、河马歌利亚与长颈鹿迈尔曼这些可爱搞笑又有点调皮的小主角们,在中央公园动物园生态区的生活趣事。音乐动画片《马达加斯加:小小冒险》充满了电影《马达加斯加》中受欢迎的幽默感与肢体喜剧,四名主角艾里克斯、马蒂、歌利亚和迈尔曼是中央公园动物园救援生态区的动物居民。如同来到纽约的所有人,这些动物孩子也有大梦想和大计划。
  • 真夏一行人受邀前往雪之王国「香蒂娅」参加新任女王的加冕仪式,却在仪式中途遭到来路不明的怪物袭击,整个王国陷入冰冻。为了拯救冰封的王国,以及劳拉重要的朋友,他们将和Heart Catch光之美少女!的一行人一起,挺身而出!