- 名校校长林甘霖(林尚义)与训导主任Miss Lau(陈法蓉),只重视高材生,将问题学生像次货一样,交由教不出状元的平庸老师来补救,完全疏忽学生的家庭、情绪等问题。新来的欧Sir(陈勋奇)主动要求,接手这群看似无药可救,其实是「智优生」的Form 5E坏份子,如:沉迷电脑、逃避现实的May(陈杏研)和妹妹Queenie(陈逸玲),作风豪放、能歌擅舞的Judy(冼爱莲),(Tomboy)Rachel(甘凯欣)和她的女友Candy(彭慧君)等等。 刚巧林校长的女儿Miss Lam(杨恭如)也有同样的理想,二人联手实践欧Sir的「非常教学法」,并鼓励音乐老师贝Sir(雷颂德),以摇滚乐代替沉闷的古典音乐,体育老师伍Sir(付小明),用流行舞代替刻板的体操,令课室充满生气,将顽劣的学生一一纳入正轨。欧Sir甚至不惜一切将学生从自杀边缘拯救回来,原来他背後有一个令人伤感的故事……在校际舞蹈节上,欧Sir、Miss Lam、贝Sir、伍Sir与E班同学,演出充满创意的Rock版「梁祝」歌舞剧,全场掌声雷动,证明了「非常教学法」众师生努力的成果……
- Michael Farr (Ciarán Hinds) is a teacher raising his two children following the death of his wife two years earlier. Experiencing strange phenomena late at night around his family home, Michael isn't sure if he is dreaming or if something more sinister is at play. A distraction lies in an international literary festival that his town plays host to which attracts authors from all over the world. Working as a volunteer for the festival, Michael is assigned to look after Lena Morelle (Iben Hjejle), an attractive writer of ghost stories and tales of the supernatural. Becoming attracted to Lena, Michael tells her of his experiences. However, Lena's attention is drawn away by Nicholas Holden (Aidan Quinn), a bestselling novelist who harbours his own issues with letting go of the past.