搜索 Mo

  • A failed, recluse director, Max, moves from New York City to a small seaside town after his wife's death. He struggles with his parental role over his son. Eddie, meanwhile, is becoming increasingly involved in the not-so-underground culture of drugs, promiscuous sex, and gang violence that lies there.The chasm between them seems to be growing despite Max's best efforts. Max jogs in the mornings and routinely passes a psychic. She spontaenously predicts that one night a serial killer will attack Eddie on the beach.Eddie is sampling various drugs with his friend, Smiley, and having unprotected sex. He ignores the advice of his father as a rule and seems beyond hope of redemption in the eyes of mainstream society. He shows potential for betterment when he prevents the murder of a rival gang member. Max saves Eddie from the serial killer.
  • 在富人聚居的地方必然会有贵族学校。16岁的切尔就是这类学校中的佼佼者。她聪明、漂亮、富有。家里父母宠爱,学校里与老师同学的人缘也不错,自然也成为小伙子们追逐的目标。除了约会、逛商店,剩余的精力还用在为相爱而又未及明言的老师间牵红线搭鹊桥上。
  • 一个前度毒贩基斯搬到休斯敦,他现在的身份是一名已婚建筑师.
  • 当人们为了房产到处奔波时,生活里其他美好的事情就容易被忽视,堕入金钱陷阱是多么可悲的一件事。
  • 二十年代的美国纽约犹太社区,绰号“面条”的少年和几个同龄朋友一起认识了聪明狡黠的麦克斯。他们开始从事走私活动。不久,面条在一场械斗中杀伤人命,被关进监牢。若干年后面条被释放出狱,当年的小伙伴们已经变成了成熟健壮的青年。在麦克斯的带领下,他们重操旧业,开始了一系列的抢劫、盗窃、敲诈活动。随着犯罪活动的不断深入,麦克斯似乎被胜利冲昏了头脑,竟然把美国联邦储备银行也列入了行动目标。有过铁窗经验的的面条不忍眼看好友走向毁灭,偷偷打电话报警,想逼迫麦克斯收手。警察与面条的朋友展开激烈枪战,麦克斯等人全部被杀。面条在极端的悔恨与痛苦之下,离开了自己生长的地方,离开了心爱的姑娘,远走他乡。几十年后,几近垂暮的面条潦倒回乡,意外发现原来当年的一切都是麦克斯的精心策划。他借面条和警察之手除去伙伴,自己则金蝉脱壳,吞没了团伙的巨款,改头换面之后跻身政界,成为上层社会的名流。麦克斯恳求面条杀死自己,幻想以此赎回自己的罪孽,被面条所拒绝。麦克斯走投无路之下跳进垃圾粉碎机自杀。