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  • Michael Farr (Ciarán Hinds) is a teacher raising his two children following the death of his wife two years earlier. Experiencing strange phenomena late at night around his family home, Michael isn't sure if he is dreaming or if something more sinister is at play. A distraction lies in an international literary festival that his town plays host to which attracts authors from all over the world. Working as a volunteer for the festival, Michael is assigned to look after Lena Morelle (Iben Hjejle), an attractive writer of ghost stories and tales of the supernatural. Becoming attracted to Lena, Michael tells her of his experiences. However, Lena's attention is drawn away by Nicholas Holden (Aidan Quinn), a bestselling novelist who harbours his own issues with letting go of the past.
  • 祺飞到东京看望在日本留学的女友JUNE,竟发现她与自己的老朋友SAM相恋了.
  • 本片根据美国小说家丹尼斯·勒翰(Dennis Lehane)的同名小说改编。 1954年,联邦警官泰迪(莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥 Leonardo DiCaprio 饰)和搭档查克(马克·鲁弗洛 Mark Ruffalo 饰)乘船来到波士顿附近的禁闭岛精神病犯监狱调查一桩离奇失踪案。手刃亲生骨肉的女犯蕾切尔(艾米莉·莫迪默 Emily Mortimer 饰)从戒备森严的牢室神秘逃脱,藏匿于孤岛深处。泰迪怀疑监狱的主治精神病医师约翰·考利(本·金斯利 Ben Kingsley 饰)有意隐瞒内情,并向查克透露他上岛的真实目的其实是寻找当年纵火烧死他妻子德洛丽丝(米歇尔·威廉姆斯 Michelle Williams 饰)的管理员,并揭露美国政府利用精神病犯人进行人体科学实验的罪行。但随着调查的逐渐深入,真相却变得越来越扑朔迷离……
  • 一代大侠李慕白(周润发饰)有退出江湖之意,托付红颜知己俞秀莲(杨紫琼饰)将青冥剑转交给贝勒爷(郎雄饰)收藏,不料当夜遭玉娇龙(章子怡)窃取。俞秀莲暗中查访也大约知道是玉府小姐玉蛟龙所为,她想办法迫使玉蛟龙归还宝剑,免伤和气。但李慕白发现了害死师傅的碧眼狐狸(郑佩佩饰)的踪迹,她隐匿于玉府并收玉蛟龙为弟子。而玉蛟龙欲以青冥剑来斩断阻碍罗小虎(张震饰)的枷锁,他们私定终身。关系变得错综复杂,俞秀莲和李慕白爱惜玉蛟龙人才难得,苦心引导,但玉蛟龙却使性任气不听劝阻……
  • 从事广告创作的Mac(黄浩然 饰)因渐感工作沉闷,毅然辞工,用积蓄开设了自己梦想中的另类CD店,聘请了对音乐和猫儿有独特感应的奇妙少女Cat当店员。Mac和Cat不经意地互相倾慕,并成为亲蜜的性伴侣,却从不确认对方的恋人身份,终于Cat离开了Mac。不过,Michelle却闯入了Mac的世界。自以为处事十分冷静的Michelle本来快要跟经济基础稳固的男友结婚,却料想不到band仔阿哟的出现,把其人生计划彻底打乱了。