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  • 不同于以往大玩乱伦、同性、变性、援交等现代禁忌元素,这次欧容的《弗兰兹》以一战后的法国为背景。战争、人性听上去都比之前“正能量”的多,但《登堂入室》的配乐却依然暴露出“本性”。
  • 讲述了地球上发现的一艘被遗忘的古飞船。侦查员将她运送到月球上,她遇到了令人印象深刻的机器,保存着那消失了很久的文明的智慧。
  • Set against the turbulent backdrop of Forties London, The Night Watch tells the stories of four young Londoners inextricably linked by their wartime experiences. In a time when the barriers of sexual morality and social convention have been broken down, Kay (Anna Maxwell Martin), Helen (Claire Foy), Viv (Jodie Whittaker) and Duncan (Harry Treadaway) enjoy a freedom never experienced before as they engage in secret liaisons and passionate trysts. The drama opens in 1947 as the country is trying to rebuild itself after the war; we find Kay mysteriously roaming the streets, haunted by some traumatic personal loss. Meanwhile, Helen and Viv run a marriage bureau, helping people rebuild their shattered lives by finding love. But their own complicated love lives are less easy to solve. Helen obsessively clings to her tumultuous and volatile relationship with Julia while Viv is continuing an affair with a married man whom she seems unable to break free from. Viv's vulnerable young brother Duncan harbours a terrible secret, when a face from his past re-appears which threatens his fragile existence. Moving back in time through the Forties into the maelstrom of the Blitz, the lives, loves and
  • 本片翻拍自希区柯克的名作《后窗》。凯尔(希安•拉博夫 Shia LaBeouf 饰)本来有着一个幸福的家庭,然而一年前当他的父亲死于车祸后,他的生活开始改变。凯尔一直认为父亲的死与自己有关,一直非常自责。一天,老师批评凯尔时无意提到了他父亲,他爆发了,将老师扔了出去,因此被法院判罚监禁在家三个月。 母亲试图用工作冲刷掉悲伤,因此整天只有凯尔一个在家。百无聊赖的凯尔开始用他的望远镜偷窥邻居们的生活:风骚的女仆勾引男主人;三个小孩整天在家看A片;整天剪草的神经汉捏死在自己花园里打洞的兔子;长得鼻直口阔的美女天天游泳练瑜加等等。凯尔渐渐发现在这些邻居中了可能一个隐藏的连环杀手,危险也随之而来。
  • 女孩吉赛尔美丽的歌声飞遍森林,小动物们轻轻的和着,王子被深深地吸引。于是,王子和女孩一见倾心,正准备着他们盛大的婚礼。谁知,坏王后为了保住自己的权利,从中作梗,把吉赛尔送到了21世纪的纽约街头。 吉赛尔(艾米•亚当斯 饰)无所适从的游走在喧嚣的纽约,没人知道她是真的公主,她害怕极了,找不到能够帮她的人。幸好,好心的律师罗伯特(帕特里克•德姆西 饰)收留了她。渐渐的,公主纯真的心打动了原本刻板的律师,机缘巧合,相遇的两个人互生情愫。而这时,爱德华王子(詹姆斯•麦斯登 饰)也不顾一切地,穿越时空,来到了纽约,营救他心爱的公主。 公主真爱的天平,将倾向何处…