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  • 超人兔西蒙是一只豁牙、无敌积极活泼的可爱小兔子,他有个小弟弟,叫贾斯伯,两个淘气包和爸爸妈妈快乐的生活在一起。本动画片将带领3-7岁的孩子进入西蒙一家的丰富多彩的日常生活:这的确是一个淘气包的真实写照。
  • After Wu Xin left, Xiao Se and Lei Wu Jie arrived in Xueyue City. Third Lord Sikong Chang Feng recognized Xiao Se and insisted on taking him in as his disciple. Lei Wu Jie challenged the Dengtian Chamber and requested to see Second Lord, the Xueyue Sword Deity Li Han Yi. He wanted Li Han Yi to go to the Lei Faction and visit his master, Lei Hong. The two of them made a deal. If Lei Wu Jie could survive three sword moves from Li Han Yi, Li would go with him. Several months later, Lei Wu Jie became highly skilled in martial arts and successfully endured Li Han Yi’s three sword moves. Li Han Yi kept her promise and left the mountain. As Xiao Se entered Xueyue City, the other princes of Tianqi became restless as well. They started to search for allies one after another. A scheme against Xueyue City is currently brewing.
  • Pertanda ribut akan menggoncang seluruh Benua Angin. Perkahwinan yang penuh dengan orang dalam menarik dan didambakan dari jauh, menjadikan Kota Siam sebagai medan pertempuran untuk tujuh mazhab untuk berperang secara terbuka dan rahsia.
  • 《姆明山谷》第二季将把我们可爱的姆明和姆明一族大家庭带回到荧幕上哦!随着姆明的成长,他会开始变得越来越可以独当一面,也正因为姆明在不断地长大,才使得姆明爸爸&姆明妈妈不得不去适应新的家庭氛围。要做到这一点并不容易,姆明的爸爸&妈妈也时常会为此感到忧虑,但伴随着剧情的发展,姆明一家在剧中展现出的另类智慧也将影响着我们,同时也能让我们感受到他们那发自内心的快乐哦。
  • CoComelon的主要目标是制作具有娱乐性和教育性的儿童视频,使得幼儿教育变得更加有趣。我们精美的3D动画和轻鬆愉快的歌曲创造了一个以幼儿日常体验为中心的世界。除了帮助学龄前儿童学习字母,数字,动物的声音,颜色等以外,这些视频亦包括亲子和社会的生活课程,为父母提供了一个机会,让他们在与孩子一起观看时与他们一起教书和玩游戏。