- 新年前夕,香港青年唐龙(李小龙 饰)受远在罗马经营餐厅的陈清华(苗可秀 饰)之叔父所托,远赴罗马助陈清华一臂之力。原来,陈清华从父亲手中接管餐厅不久,当地的商业集团看中了餐厅所在的地皮,而陈清华想守住家业不愿出售,商业集团随使出下三滥手段,日日派流氓骚扰,令餐厅生意难以为继。唐龙甫一到罗马,因语言不通闹出不少笑话,陈清华则以为强援是律师,岂料是一莽撞的乡下青年,不免失望。餐厅众服务员为了抵御流氓,自发学习空手道,但仍然被对方欺侮,危急时刻唐龙出手,将一众流氓痛打。不甘失败的商业集团欲至唐龙于死地,陈清华担心其安危劝唐龙离开,面对将陈清华绑架的下流对手,唐龙忍无可忍,与商业集团聘请的众多高手展开连番搏杀……
- Stoner, an Australian cop, has been investigating the spread of a mysterious addictive drug that acts like an aphrodisiac and a hallucenogen on anyone who takes it. When his own sister falls under its influence, he travels to Hong Kong to hunt down the man behind the drug trade, the evil billionaire Mr. Chin. At the same time, a Taiwanese officer has also been sent to stop Chin's drug empire. Together, She and Stoner battle the drug kingpin's dealers and henchmen.