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  • he wealthiest man in the world, John P. Merrick, is a private person who likes to stay anonymous. One of his many assets, and a minor one at that, is Neeley's Department Store. There is labor unrest at the store, most of the employees' anger directed at Merrick, who they hang in effigy outside the store despite not knowing what he looks like. Merrick, not happy at what he sees going on, decides to go undercover working at the store to mete out the rabble-rousers. Undercover as Thomas Higgins, Merrick gets assigned as a sales clerk in the shoe department, where he is taken under the caring wing of his colleague Mary Jones, who sees in Higgins a poor man needing the guidance of friends. One of those other friends is Elizabeth Ellis, who Mary sees as a possible "Mrs. Higgins". Mary's boyfriend is Joe O'Brien, the chief organizer of the employees, four hundred of whom are following Joe in the charge against the store and Merrick. At the store, Merrick not only wants the list of the four hundred, but also wants to change those things he doesn't like at the store, chief amongst those being his shoe department section manager, Mr. Hooper. But as Higgins, Merrick also begins to see things a little differently, specifically from an employee's point of view.
  • 梦露最迷人的作品,她扮演一个一心傍大款的美国小地方女子,跟好友一起到巴黎闯天下。她爱钱,朋友爱貌,她俩互相看不起,又互相帮助。歌舞女郎罗莉拉及多萝西这对魅力四射的好拍档,美貌智慧生活享乐皆拥有。罗莉拉前往法国与情人艾士文结婚,就在乘邮轮的途中,她们遇上一名由艾士文父亲派来的私家侦探,欲想证实罗莉拉并非傍大款。在这过程中,多萝西竟爱上这名穷侦探,姊妹情深的罗莉拉却想将她与倜傥的钻石商人法兰碧文撮合,加上邮轮上的一班奥运会的代表,使这个前往大西洋的行程疯狂、欢笑。
  • 芭拉汀夫人被警察拘捕,罪名是在谋杀或者误杀自己的丈夫。为洗脱罪名,芭拉汀夫人请著名律师汤尼担任自己的辩护律师。在和芭拉汀夫人的接触中,汤尼不知不觉地爱上了这个有嫌疑的女人。但汤尼是个有妻室的人,面对纯洁无奈的妻子,汤尼还是难以抑制对芭拉汀夫人的关心和爱意,独自到芭拉汀家调查。在调查过程中,汤尼逐渐发现上校年轻英俊的贴身仆人杜德瓦·亚德最为可疑。在汤尼被恋情冲昏的头脑里,即便亚德不是真正的凶手,也足以作为芭拉汀夫人的替罪羊……
  • 故事描述了化学家弗顿教授正利用猩猩试青春药,不料其中一只逃出笼子的猩猩将几种化学元素混合之后,竟然真的制成了春情妙药.弗顿在不知情喝了一点药水,行为顿时变成活跃小伙子,将来访的女秘书路易斯带去游泳,溜冰,玩的不亦乐乎.弗顿夫人原来是成熟女性,喝下药水后也急着要拉丈夫去二度蜜月,但此时弗顿体内的药力已退,提不起劲.........
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