搜索 诺布尔·威林厄

  • 罗宾.威廉姆斯因主演本片轰动卖座而成为第一线的喜剧巨星。他饰演一名越南美军电台的DJ,每天以妙语如珠的风格主持早晨广播节目,甚受大兵欢迎。后来他深入越南的民间生活,渐渐喜欢上这个国家,以至在节目中发表了一些跟军方宣传有抵触的言论,遭到黯然下台的命运。本片剧本由一位电台主持人根据自己当年在越南的亲身经历撰写而成,故内容特别真实而生动。导演巴里.莱文森以侧面方式来反映越战问题,在同类电影中显得别具新意,此外,穿梭在全片中的多首六十年代流行曲,也可以唤起中年观众的怀旧情绪。
  • Josie, the daughter of the town's wealthiest businessman, faces problems at home and wishes to leave home, but is disorientated. Her decision is finalized after she falls asleep in a Target dressing room, and awakes to find that she is locked in the store overnight with the janitor, Jim, the town "no hoper" and liar. A decision to go to L.A. is established, but first they must get through the night. A relationship develops, only to be interrupted by a break in by two petty criminals. 花言巧语的小镇青年吉姆在百货公司得到一份看门人的工作,在他当班的第一个晚上发现自己与镇上最富有的商人女儿,也是最漂亮的女孩茱茜一同被锁在店铺内。离家出走的茱茜决心要去洛杉机,不过首先还是的把今晚混过。没多久,一种关系就在两人间发展着,仅仅是在小偷闯入时被打断。
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