搜索 陈宝华

  • 《原来是你》是国产综艺史上史无前例的变脸节目中,明星会接受世界顶级化妆技术的“改头换面”。他们被易容后,会变成另一个自己,甚至连最亲的人都无法认出他们。节目特别邀请好莱坞级特效化妆团队肖进团队加盟。该团队曾操刀过《画皮2》、《智取威虎山3D》、《大闹天宫》、《鬼吹灯之寻龙诀》等一系列大制作特效工作。强强联手打造出十足神秘感,鲜明特色更在黄金档自成一派风格。该节目将于10月14日每周三22:00播出。
  • 故事围绕村主任赵天亮一家人和他的部分村民展开的,涉及到社会生活的方方面面:家长里短、公事私事、生活琐事。其中有爱情婚姻故事、孝老爱亲的故事、乐于奉献的故事、计划生育的故事、保护环境的故事、拾金不昧的故事、移风易俗的故事、崇尚文明的故事、老有所为的故事等等。《到底嫁给谁》中,听说蔡花要嫁人, 上门求亲的男人可不少, 蔡花无从选择,没办法她求助于村主任一家人帮她拿主意。《不傍大款》兰妮姨为兰妮物色到一个对象,宋彩云要侄女去相亲,其实兰妮早已有心上人,应付完姨妈给介绍的大款,兰妮回来继续和男友规划他们果园的美好蓝图。《大月小月》中,剧情和传统剧《墙头记》相反。赵天亮兄弟俩赡养父母,为多尽孝一天是一天,发生大月小月的争执,弄得老人无所适从。
  • Regular Eastern cinematic bad guy, Philip Ko stars in this typically baffling IFD affair as a hit-man who's brother happens to be a cop (yep, complications are very much on the cards here!) Of course, this being an IFD flick with Ko in it, one thing is immediately guaranteed; a rough sex scene(!) Just what the hell is it with Ko and such sequences in these flicks? As it happens we're not exactly given much chance to ponder such questions, as the ostensibly contractually requisite scene transpires within the very first minute of the films running time!!!! The rest of the film is a decidedly confusing mess (as we've come to expect from Joseph Lai's infamous production company) involving Ko hired to take out three targets including fellow regular bad guy John Ladalski (who it is revealed, has a somewhat sinisterly themed predilection for performing body painting and photography upon hapless damsels!) Whilst this plot is simple enough, matters become a more thoroughly head scratching affair when another tale of drug dealing and murder kicks into action involving two crime syndicates (or at least that's what I made of it anyway). Still, to be fair, do any of these films make even a jot
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