- 泰勒(查理•辛 Charlie Sheen 饰)是越战期间的一名美国大学生,他前往越南前线去服兵役,被分到了一个步兵部队。部队里有两个人一直对他影响颇大——伊莱亚斯(威廉•达福 Willem Dafoe 饰)和巴恩斯(汤姆•贝伦杰 Tom Berenger 饰)。他们两人对战争的看法截然不同,前者不忍残杀无辜,而后者却杀人如麻,泰勒心里非常迷惑,到底谁对战争的看法才是正确。 巴恩斯展开了一场残忍的屠杀,越南整条村落都流血成河。伊莱亚斯力劝好友不要如此残暴,却遭致二人关系的裂缝。巴恩斯更怀疑伊莱亚斯向上司打小报告,友谊变为妒恨。于是,在一次丛林战争中,他背着所有人,向伊莱亚斯扣下了扳机。 泰勒却洞察了这一切,他心里终于有了答案。
- Nada, a down-on-his-luck construction worker, discovers a pair of special sunglasses. Wearing them, he is able to see the world as it really is: people being bombarded by media and government with messages like "Stay Asleep", "No Imagination", "Submit to Authority". Even scarier is that he is able to see that some usually normal-looking people are in fact ugly aliens in charge of the massive campaign to keep humans subdued.