- Filming in California, the film concerns the story revolves around Isabelle and Gérard, who lost their son six months ago. However, before he died, he sent them a letter in which he invites them to go to Death Valley, at the very heart of the United States. Despite the apparent absurdity of the situation, the mother and father decide to go there anyway and wait for him.
- 《你是我的亲人》当年唐山那场大地震发生的时刻,一所地区小医院的产科病房里,三位妇女都处于临产状态。三个小生命,不管外面如何的天翻地覆,几乎同时争先恐后地降临到了人间。混乱中,母亲们匆匆从护士手中接过了自己的孩子。二十多年过去了,出版社编辑毕梦平的儿子刘震踢球受伤,住进医院。父亲敬贤替他输血,却发现他们的血型不对,O型血的父亲和B型血的母亲,是生不出AB型血的儿子的。难道在出生时就抱错了儿子?突然的变故使梦平焦头烂额,凭着模糊的记忆,梦平找到了当年送自己回家的同屋产妇李淑霞。通过种种磨难,刘震、抗震两家终于做通了工作,准备认子了,却又蹦出了第三家,农村的独养儿子高震宝。秋芬一家来找梦平,她们叫来了淑霞,三家在一起终于搞清了他们之间的关系。刘震是淑霞的儿子,震宝是梦平的儿子,而抗震是秋芬的儿子。