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  • 美国人麦肯纳夫妇和小儿子汉克一家三口来到摩洛哥度假,一个小小的意外让他们结识了热心的路易·伯纳德。在集市上伯纳德被刺身亡,临终前告诉麦肯纳在伦敦有件政治谋杀行动正要进行,还说了一个名字:安伯斯·查培。为了让这对夫妇守口如瓶,暗杀者绑架了他们的儿子汉克作为人质,然而他俩还是去了伦敦。调查到安伯斯·查培是一座教堂的名字,在音乐厅里,麦肯纳夫人关键时候的一声尖叫,挽救了首相的性命。汉克被带进一个大使馆,得到消息的麦肯纳夫妇借首相的力量进入大使馆。作为前歌唱明星的麦肯纳夫人当众表演的时候唱起了汉克熟悉的歌谣,麦肯纳则趁机找到了汉克,在关键时刻救出了汉克。
  • At one of his many visits to his doctor, hypochondriac George Kimball mistakes a dying man's diagnosis for his own and believes he only has about two more weeks to live. Wanting to take care of his wife Judy, he doesn't tell her and tries to find her a new husband. When he finally does tell her, she quickly finds out he's not dying at all (while he doesn't) and she believes it's just a lame excuse to hide an affair, so she decides to leave him.
  • 剧情讲述美国缉毒人员因查案被杀,其女儿怀疑一英国化妆品公司与此事件有关,遂到此公司做工业间谍,因而认识了另一位以工业间谍掩饰身份的国际警察,二人合力破了大案。
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