- At one of his many visits to his doctor, hypochondriac George Kimball mistakes a dying man's diagnosis for his own and believes he only has about two more weeks to live. Wanting to take care of his wife Judy, he doesn't tell her and tries to find her a new husband. When he finally does tell her, she quickly finds out he's not dying at all (while he doesn't) and she believes it's just a lame excuse to hide an affair, so she decides to leave him.
- 年过三十的泰尔伯特先生不仅英俊潇洒,而且身价过亿。每年他有十一个月都在纽约的大公司里拼命赚钱,只有九月份才会回到意大利的豪华别墅和情人丽莎度假。但今年泰尔伯特一反平常,提前来到了意大利。而深爱他的丽莎也因为抵抗不了他的甜言蜜语,放弃了本想嫁给别人过安生日子的打算,和泰尔伯特回到了那所熟悉的别墅。 令泰尔伯特没想到的是,这次回来原本清静的别墅却突然多了一批年轻女孩,原来管家墨尔斯趁他不在的时候偷偷把别墅变成了旅馆,以赚取外快。泰尔伯特得知真相后,大发雷霆,想要赶走房客。但心软的他还是禁不住管家的苦苦哀求,决定暂时压抑愤怒配合他把这场戏演完。只要到了明天,住宿的女孩们走后,家里就会恢复以往的样子,变成他和丽莎两个人的小天地了。