搜索 Man Chan

  • 明建文四年,燕王勾通宦官篡位,发“靖难兵”破南京,传说建文帝葬身火海,太子和玉玺下落不明。永乐帝派人侦察,得悉太子藏匿在武林义士上官浩的黑龙会中,于是派武林败类率官兵进剿围捕。上官浩战死,临终时将太子与玉玺交女儿秀仪与徒弟金振雄,秀仪等在少侠赵飞云义助护送下逃亡……
  • 在一個充滿陽光的夏天,性格富同情心的香港會計師陳太圓隻身來到加拿大,準備與其貌美任性的太太Beauty會合共同生活,怎料Beauty已移情別戀洋人警司,圓人財兩空,流落異鄉,唯有投靠已故小學同學吳二牛之妹吳桂芳……
  • 想演戏的孙纳(周迅)与想导戏的林见东(金城武)初遇见时,两人都正处于生活与事业的低谷,在相互鼓励和扶携中,他们渐渐有了共同的可以看见希望的未来,然而孙纳更想把现在的可能抓到手,狠心与林见东分了手,跟了可以给她戏的导演聂文(张学友),成为人人艳羡的大明星。 天意弄人,十年后孙纳与也做了演员的林见东因为一部合拍戏又重遇。虽努力说服自己忘记过去,却欺骗不了自己的心,孙纳陷入两难中。而更戏剧的是,孙纳、林见东和聂文要同演一出剧情与他们之间情恨纠葛惊人相似的戏。
  • Alice(杨千嬅 饰)虽然其貌不扬,但是心地善良,家中四代都是开设跌打馆,身为记者的她也精通中医术。因为她效力的杂志《淑女》,被《绅士》杂志收购了,继而她认识了该杂志的副主编Ryan(古天乐 饰)。Ryan看上去英俊潇洒,但实际上身体虚弱。两人刚开始有些误会,当误会冰释后两人成为了朋友。Alice也暗暗喜欢上了Ryan,毫不知情的Ryan告诉Alice自己对名作家Michelle(陈慧珊 饰)一见钟情。身为Michelle忠实读者的Alice开始帮助Ryan追求梦中情人,而Alice只好默默守在Rayn的身边……
  • Regular Eastern cinematic bad guy, Philip Ko stars in this typically baffling IFD affair as a hit-man who's brother happens to be a cop (yep, complications are very much on the cards here!) Of course, this being an IFD flick with Ko in it, one thing is immediately guaranteed; a rough sex scene(!) Just what the hell is it with Ko and such sequences in these flicks? As it happens we're not exactly given much chance to ponder such questions, as the ostensibly contractually requisite scene transpires within the very first minute of the films running time!!!! The rest of the film is a decidedly confusing mess (as we've come to expect from Joseph Lai's infamous production company) involving Ko hired to take out three targets including fellow regular bad guy John Ladalski (who it is revealed, has a somewhat sinisterly themed predilection for performing body painting and photography upon hapless damsels!) Whilst this plot is simple enough, matters become a more thoroughly head scratching affair when another tale of drug dealing and murder kicks into action involving two crime syndicates (or at least that's what I made of it anyway). Still, to be fair, do any of these films make even a jot
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